• Financial Conflict of Interest Policy (for PHS-funded contracts)

    Overton (Open Policy Ltd) takes the possibility of financial conflicts of interest very seriously. All Overton’s staff and contractors must abide by this policy and submit the relevant disclosures in a timely manner. You can read the full policy here.

  • NISO Altmetrics Code of Conduct self-reporting table for Overton

    NISO Altmetrics Working Group C “Data Quality” Code of Conduct Self-Reporting Table Description  Supports CoC Recommendation  Aggregator / Provider Submission  List all available data and metrics (providers and aggregators) and altmetric data providers from which data are collected (aggregators).  T1 Overton collects and processes documents from policy sources around the…

  • Our commitment to the Leiden Manifesto principles: what this means for Overton

    Overton is proud to support the principles in the Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics and we are committed to ensuring we operate within the framework it outlines. We want to be transparent about what that means in practice, so we have described below how each relevant section applies in Overton’s…

  • Our commitment to DORA: what this means for Overton

    Overton is a proud signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and we are committed to ensuring we operate within the framework it outlines. We want to be transparent about what that means in practice, so we have described below how each relevant section applies in Overton’s…

  • Finding out which sources, institutions and journals Overton tracks

    You can see the information Overton tracks by going to the ‘Browse Data’ tab in the menu bar when you’re in the app. If you can’t find a source, institution or journal that you’re looking for, get in touch at support@overton.io or request a new policy source by filling in…

  • Requesting a new policy source

    Overton is always adding new policy sources and we’re always happy to hear from our clients about which ones they would like to see prioritised. We promise that the first 7 policy source requests your organisation makes each year will be treated as top priority and will be added to…

  • Key sources

    Citations or mentions in some policy sources may be more relevant to your organisation than others. To help you quickly see results from the policy sources you care about the most, we have created the Key Sources feature. Viewing and customising your Key Sources Your default Key Sources are set…

  • Saved searches, alerts, tags and highlights

    If you have created an Overton account, you are able to customise your search experience in a few different ways. If you are accessing Overton using IP authentication, you will need to create an account in order to access these features. Save a search Once you have run a search…

  • Sharing and exporting search results

    Hello! This is an old help page. Please visit ‘Sharing search results‘ or ‘Exporting search results‘. Sharing a search term using a url When you run a search, the search parameters are shown within the website url. You can share this url with anyone with an Overton account (or within…

  • Search for policy documents that cite or mention someone from your organisation

    For organisations that produce scholarly research or policy documents, it is often useful to be able to see where individual authors are being cited or mentioned in policy. Difference between a citation and a mention A citation is where a specific journal article, book, book chapter etc. written by a…