Key sources

Citations or mentions in some policy sources may be more relevant to your organisation than others. To help you quickly see results from the policy sources you care about the most, we have created the Key Sources feature.

Viewing and customising your Key Sources

Your default Key Sources are set at an organisational level which you can view using the ‘Browse Data tab’ and selecting ‘View all of Overton’s policy sources’.

You can add sources to your Key Sources using the ‘From Source’ filter in the Policy Documents tab and click ‘Show more’.

Select the sources you are interested in and click ‘Add Selected Sources to your key sources’.

You can see your Key Sources by going to ‘Browse Data’ and clicking on ‘View your key sources’ from ‘Key Sources’.

From here, you can search your Key Sources using the search bar and remove Key Sources by clicking the button below each source.

Seeing Key Sources while searching for policy documents

You can see where a document has been cited by a Key Source when you’re on the search results page. To the right of any document cited by a Key Source, you’ll see a grey box.

To see documents published by your Key Sources, use the filter panel on the left hand side of the search results.

Updated on July 26, 2024

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