Summary reports for policy documents

When you run a search in the ‘Search Policy Documents’ tab, you can view the results as a list on the page or as summary report, which examines a set of policy document results by various characteristics. 

Generate a summary report by clicking ‘See report’ in the grey action bar above the search results.

Search policy documents tab

Reading a summary report for policy document results

Document count
Number of policy documents in the result set
Number of countries where the policy documents came from
Number of policy sources (where the policy documents are from) in the results set
World map
This map displays where the policy sources come from. The size of the dot corresponds with the number of policy documents from that country
Document types
Number and types of documents in the results set
Source specific tags
Refers to labels assigned to some groups of policy documents
Publication years
Number of policy documents published by year
Funders of cited research
Lists all the funders of the research cited in the policy documents in the results set
Policy source types
This is a breakdown of policy documents by source category (government, IGO, or think tank). All policy documents have an assigned source type.
This is a breakdown of policy documents by policy source subtype (note: not all policy documents have a subtype so the numbers may not match to the parent policy source category).
Policy sources
List of the policy sources where the policy documents in the results came from
Cited journals
List of the journals that published the research cited in the policy document results
Cited publishers
List of the academic publishers that published the research cited in the policy document results
Policy topics
List of main themes (topics) extracted from the policy documents in the results set and the number of policy documents for each topic area (note: a policy document can have multiple topics).
Cited institutions
List of the institutions or organisations connected to the authors of the cited research found in the policy document results set
Policy classifications
List of subject areas that the policy documents in the results set fall under
Policy SDG categories
List of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the number of policy documents in the results set which align to each goal

Sharing reports

Summary reports can be shared publicly by URL, making it easy to collaborate with colleagues who do not have an Overton account. See ‘Sharing search results’ for step-by-step sharing instructions.

Updated on February 9, 2024

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