Search for policy documents that cite or mention your organisation

Find citations of scholarly research in policy documents that are connected to your organisation.

Video: Search for citations in policy for your organisation

Search using the main dashboard

Type your organisation’s name into the search box in the ‘Search policy documents tab’. A dropdown will appear. Select one of the suggested searches or search using the text you have typed into the search box.

Searching for an organisation's research citations from the main dashboard

Search for your organisation using the search box by typing in your organisation’s name or by applying the ‘Cites or mentions institution filter’.

'Search policy documents and grey literature' search page, highlighting the filter 'cites or mention institution'.

When using the ‘Cites or mentions institution’ filter, click on ‘show more’ to see the full list of organisations. Start typing in your organisation’s name in the search box and select the appropriate option when it appears.

Full list of filter options for the 'cites or mentions institution' filter

Search results

After searching for your organisation, you will see a set of results displaying policy documents with research citations linked to your organisation. For more information, see ‘How to read policy document results.’

Example research citation in a policy document result

Applying filters, exploring and exporting results

Filters can be applied to further narrow down search results. Once satisfied with your search, you can save it, generate a summary report, export the results, or explore them further using ‘Explore’.

Updated on September 3, 2024

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