In the “Search Policy Documents” search mode, there are numerous filters available to help users structure and/or limit a search query. Filters are located on the left side of the page.
Each filter has an option in the bottom left corner called “show more.” Clicking on this link will display the filter in full.

Index of policy document filters
People cited or mentioned
Filters results to show the research citations and people mentions for a particular institution in policy documents
Source type
Allows users to filter policy document results by Overton’s main sources types (government, think tank or IGO) or by a corresponding policy source subtype
Note, that while all Overton’s policy documents have been assigned a policy source type, not all have been assigned a corresponding source subtype
Note, that while all Overton’s policy documents have been assigned a policy source type, not all have been assigned a corresponding source subtype
From source
Policy sources produce policy documents. A policy source is a website and can represent a singular organisation or a be an aggregator for several organisations (i.e., Publications Office of the European Union)
Use this filter to see the policy sources in your results set and/or filter your search query to see documents from a specific policy source
Use this filter to see the policy sources in your results set and/or filter your search query to see documents from a specific policy source
People cited or mentioned
The list of people who have been cited or mentioned from all institutions in the policy documents results set
Document type
Allows users to filter by type of policy document. By default, all of Overton’s policy sources are considered “publications.” Where possible, we try to filter out working papers, clinical guidelines, blog posts and transcripts
Source country
Breakdown of the policy documents by country
Source region
Breakdown of the policy documents by regions. Many of the options in this filter are the result of user requests to group policy documents into specific groups, i.e., OECD countries
Filter policy document results by a specific year or a range of years
Added after / Added before
Filter by the date the policy documents were added to the Overton database
Published after / Published before
Filter by the publication date of the policy documents
Tags on source
When Overton collects policy documents, there is sometimes extra metadata about the policy document. When this happens, it ends up as a “tag on source.”
Sometimes this metadata is to help distinguish groups of documents from a source (i.e., “117th Congress” or the “Scottish Affairs Committee”).
Sometimes this metadata is to help distinguish groups of documents from a source (i.e., “117th Congress” or the “Scottish Affairs Committee”).
Filter by the main themes extracted from the policy documents
Related to SDG
Filter by the policy documents in the results set which align to each goal of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Cites publishers
Filter by the academic publishers that published the research cited in the policy document results
Cites journal
Filter by the journals that published the research cited in the policy document results
Cites works from funder
Filter by the funders of the research cited in the policy document results
Cites policy source
Filter by policy documents from a specific policy source
Cites news outlet
Filter by policy documents that cite a specific new outlet
Subject area
Excluding policy author
Exclude a specific policy author (organisation) from the policy document results
Excluding source
Exclude a specific policy source’s documents from the results set
Cites others
Filter for policy documents which does or doesn’t cite other policy documents