Understanding CSV exports

Exporting results from the “Search Policy Documents” tab to CSV provides a list and several categories of data about the policy documents in the results set.

A CSV export is a good export option when a results set exceeds 1000 policy documents.

How to interpret a CSV export file

Here is an CSV export showing the categories of data included in the export file.

  1. Policy document id is the ID assigned to the policy document
  2. Title is the title of the policy document
  3. Translated title will appear if the policy document is in a language other than English
  4. Document type is the publication type of the policy document
  5. Source title is name of source that produced the policy document
  6. Source country is the country where the policy source is located (note: IGO and EU are included as countries)
  7. Source state is populated for sources that are state specific (i.e., UK Nation or a state in the USA or province in Canada)
  8. Source type is the policy source category (government, IGO, or think tank).
  1. Source subtype will be populated if the document has been assigned a source subtype. While all documents have a source type, not all have a sources subtype
  2. Published on is the date of publication of the policy document
  3. Policy citations (excl. same source) will be populated if the policy document has been cited by other policy documents
  4. Policy citations (inc same source) will be populated if the policy document has been cited by other policy documents including citations from the same policy author
  5. Document URL is the web address for where the policy document was harvested
  6. Overton URL is the web address within the app for where the policy document is located
  7. Source specific tags will be populated if the policy document has been assigned a tag by Overton
  8. Your tags will be populated if you have tagged the document
  9. Top topics describe what the policy document is about
Updated on February 9, 2024

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