Release notes for 2024

A list of recent data updates, fixes and new product functionality

We update this page regularly with details of the important data updates, fixes and new features added to Overton. An easy way to keep up to date is to sign up for our newsletter, which will highlight any major changes to the app or data.

We deploy changes to Overton daily. There isn’t a fixed release cycle and typically new features are released as soon as they are tested and pass QA. This page lists the work we’ve done in 2024. There are other pages for previous years.

If you’ve got any questions about any of the items below please reach out to support or your account manager.

July 2024

  • Users can now add a custom title for any reports they generate
  • Users now have the option to save summary reports to PDF

June 2024

  • When reviewing documents from Overton’s policy documents tab, users can now filter results by language using the document language filter

April 2024

  • Excel exports now include
    • a front page that includes details of the search query including the date the query was conducted, what filters were used and the search URL
    • data notes on a final slide

March 2024

  • When selecting policy sources from the Policy Documents tab, you can now add a selection of sources to your key sources
  • We have added an ‘exact phrase’ autocomplete option for any searches containing more than 2 words

January 2024

  • The translated title for policy documents is now included in the Excel export
  • We have added ORCIDs to article CSV exports
  • We have now added data notes in a separate sheet to all excel exports
  • We are adding EU27 and APAC to our regions lists
  • We now show 50 results per page as default rather than the original 20 results
  • We’ve updated name searches to account for apostrophes in names making it easier for users who do have them in their names
  • We now show all highlights from a policy search when multiselect is being used. So if you select multiple universities on the policy tab you will now see papers from either / both universities underneath the search results.
Updated on July 11, 2024

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