How are matched researchers ordered?

Researchers who have produced work that is relevant to an opportunity are ordered according to 2 criteria:

  • The frequency of their contributions in the top 100 scholarly works related to the opportunity
  • The individual relevancy of each contributed work that relates to the opportunity

Match probability score

After researchers have been matched to an opportunity, each researcher is assigned a probability score in one of the following categories.

Very HighA researcher with this score has a very high chance of being suitable to engage with this opportunity
HighA researcher with this score has a high chance of being suitable to engage with this opportunity
ModerateA researcher with this score has a moderate chance of being suitable to engage with this opportunity
LowA researcher with this score has a low change of being suitable to engage with this opportunity
SlightA researcher with this score has a slight chance of being suitable to engage with this opportunity
Match probability score
Updated on May 22, 2024

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